Dream Pirate 3D Wiki
Ruler of the Skypiea, called himself "God". He can transform his body to thunderbolts.
Ruler of the Skypiea, called himself "God". He can transform his body to thunderbolts.
Innate God of Thunder
Other Attributes
Accuracy 0
Critical 0
Anti-counter 100
Evasion 0
Anti-crit 0
Counter 0

Raincaller: Fight alongside Aokiji,D.Dragon,Crocodile, Akainu = Haki + 56%

Master: Fight alongside Shiki = HP + 23%

Thunderer: Equip Clima-Tact = Attack + 25%

The Great King: Equip Emperor's Cloak = Attack + 21%

Carefully: Equip Golden Shell = Defense + 21%

Lightning God: Equip Lightning God = Haki + 21%

Further Information: []

Class: S-Class Heroes

Info: Ruler of the Skypiea, called himself "God". He can transform his body to thunderbolts.

Recommended Builds: Def + Haki or Atk

Singing with Brook:

Choose Enel = Get Moria
